Friday, 21 March 2014

Read about and watch the strangest VIDEO of Llu Yangs "Uterus Man"

Lu Yang’s Uterus Man

The Shanghai-born artist's superhero rides a chariot made of human pelvic bone, and questions the laws of nature

by Alessandro De Toni in Culture on 21 March 2014

UterusMan-03.jpg Listed among the most influential young Chinese artists, Shanghai-born Lu Yang (who graduated from the prestigious China Academy of Art's New Media Department) creates work that explores themes of death, disease, genetics and biomechanics. Behind her daring approach to creativity, there’s a strong interest in otaku (the Japanese term for those with obsessive hobbies or interests) culture, manga and a deep fascination with the physiology of living creatures.

These interests led her to attend last year’s edition of SymbioticA Lab seminar (hosted by the University of Western Australia) where she learned about tissue culture and biological training. And in 2010 she garnered major attention with her controversial piece "Zomie Music Box-Underwater Frog Leg Ballet;" a choreography of dead frogs' legs that were wired with electrodes.

.... Read more and watch the strangest VIDEO of  Llu Yangs "Uterus Man"